Home » Departments » Educational Services and Technology » Financial Aid » Loan Conflict of Interest Statement
The Coast Community College District to avoid conflicts of interests between the College and lenders, guarantee agencies, or other affiliations related to student financial aid or student loans. The colleges do not certify or disburse alternative and/or private loans.
To establish an ethical framework for professional behavior and responsibilities within the Coast Community College District college’s student financial aid offices.
All employees within the District colleges’ student financial aid offices will not accept any compensation from lenders, servicing agencies or other affiliations related to student financial aid or student loans. This prohibition includes any compensation for consulting.
For this purpose, “student financial aid employees” includes all officers or employees of the District who participate in making any decision involving student financial aid or student loans. Also, for purposes of this policy, compensation given to a family member of a student financial aid employee, or which is given to another individual because of that individual’s relationship with a student financial aid employee, is considered to have been made to the student financial aid employee. Student financial aid employees are subject to the District’s conflict of interest policy, which requires that all decisions be made solely on the basis of a desire to promote the best interests of students and the District. All employees are required to disclose the existence of any conflict of interest and are prohibited from participating in decisions which are affected by the conflict of interest.
This does not prohibit employees from receiving benefits of nominal value. For purposes of this Student Financial Aid Code of Conduct, “nominal value” means compensation having a value of $50 or less. Any student financial aid employee who, either directly or indirectly, receives compensation from a lender, guarantee agency or other affiliation related to student financial aid or student loans having a value of more than $50 must disclose all pertinent information relating to such compensation, in writing, to the Director of Student Financial Aid within 30 days of receipt of the compensation. All District employees are prohibited from receiving remuneration in the form of travel, lodging, meals or honoraria from any lender, guarantee agencies, or other affiliations related to student financial aid.
All District employees shall not serve on any advisory boards or committees of student lending organizations, servicing agencies, or other affiliations related to student financial aid. All District employees will not have lenders, guarantee agencies, or other affiliations related to student financial aid pay for any printing services and shall not allow the District’s name or logo to be printed on any lender materials.
No employee at the District in the student financial aid office and or officers of the District shall commit the College to any revenue-sharing agreements and or conditioning the use of a lenders Title IV loans to receive private loans with any lenders, servicing agency or other affiliations related to financial aid or students.
The Student Financial Aid Office will not allow employees of lenders, servicing agencies or other affiliations related to student financial aid to work or provide staffing to the Student Financial Aid Office. The Student Financial Aid Office will not allow the use of lenders, servicing agencies or other affiliations related to student financial aid to be a call center for the Student Financial Aid Office.
CCCD participates in the Direct Lending Program and does not offer private loans or participate in private or alternative loan programs. The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires institutions of higher education participating in the administration of educational loan programs to develop and publish a Code of Conduct. Any CCCD employee who has responsibilities with respect to student educational loans is required to comply with this Code of Conduct.
Our Code of Conduct prohibits us from: