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Benefits Information

Unemployment Benefits

Employees of Coast Community College District that are out of work due to furlough, non-assignment, layoff, or involuntary termination OR have had their hours reduced may be eligible to receive unemployment benefits.

TIP - When filing for unemployment benefits, your employer is Coast Community College District at 1370 Adams Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Please do not list your work site, department, or college as your employer as this will delay your claim.

Please visit the State of California Employment Development Department to find out if you qualify for unemployment and learn about the compensation and benefits you could receive.

Have questions about your employment status or your unemployment benefits?
Please contact Human Resources Employment Services at

COBRA Benefits

Federal law requires that most group health plans give employees and their families the opportunity to continue their health care coverage through COBRA continuation coverage when there's a "qualifying event" that would result in a loss of coverage under an employer's plan.

Upon notice of a qualifying event, the District Benefits Office sends to eligible employees (and their dependents) their COBRA Notice Letter and Options for Continuing Benefits. Notice to the Benefits Office occurs automatically as a part of the standard Human Resources employment services process. We will receive notice for employees that are impacted by an end of employment, a reduction in hours that impacts their benefit eligibility, loss of dependent child status, and death of the employee.

Employees must contact our office within 30 days of their qualifying event for divorce or legal separation, entitlement to Medicare, or if they have lost their coverage outside of District benefits.

What is a qualifying event for COBRA benefits?
Events that qualify for COBRA benefits are -

  • End of Employment
  • Reduction in Hours of Employment
  • Divorce or Legal Separation
  • Loss of Dependent Child Status
  • Entitlement to Medicare
  • Death of Employee (dependent benefit)

Who qualifies for COBRA benefits?
All employees and their dependents enrolled in District benefits at the time of their qualifying event.

What benefits am I allowed to continue under COBRA benefits?
Employees enrolled in District medical, dental, and/or vision coverage at the time of their qualifying event have the option to continue these benefits under COBRA. Additionally, employees have the option of changing their medical plan election for COBRA coverage. Employees may also elect to drop some coverage for COBRA benefits. For example, an employee may elect to continue their medical coverage only and drop the dental and vision coverage.

How much do COBRA benefits cost?
The District rates for COBRA benefits may be found on our Benefits Navigator site. Please review the COBRA Rates found under Benefits Information.

Are there other coverage options besides COBRA benefits?
Yes. Instead of enrolling in COBRA continuation coverage, there may be other more affordable coverage options for you and your family through the Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicaid, or other group health plan coverage options (such as a spouse's plan) through what is called a "special enrollment period." Some of these options may cost less than COBRA continuation coverage.

You should compare your other coverage options with COBRA continuation coverage and choose the coverage that is best for you. For example, if you move to other coverage you may pay more out of pocket than you would under COBRA because the new coverage may impose a new deductible.

When you lose job-based health coverage, it's important that you choose carefully between COBRA continuation coverage and other coverage options, because once you've made your choice, it can be difficult or impossible to switch to another coverage option.

Have questions about your COBRA benefits?
Please contact the District Benefits Office at or at (714) 438-6804.

All other employee benefits information has been moved to Navigator!