Resources For Our Undocumented Students

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Undocumented Students

The Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Compliance (OEIC) and the District at large welcome and respect all members of our community, regardless of immigration status. We encourage and provide training, events, and educational opportunities to increase institutional support for undocumented students, to enhance equitable outcomes, and to aim for a healthier campus and District climate for all.

Please check the OEIC Events calendar and the College Equity sites for information on campus and community events.

Golden West College's Golden Promise Program

Are you eligible for the California Dream Act and a first-time college student? Students who meet these requirements and who will be enrolled full-time may receive free tuition and up to $2,000 in additional funding for books, supplies, transportation, and living costs. For additional information, please visit GWC's Golden Promise Program.

The California Community College System, the District, and OEIC Support Undocumented Students

Please see the following messages of support:


If you need or want to talk, be on the lookout for these stickers:


Individuals who possess these stickers have been through the UndocuAlly training program. While not every person who has been to the training is an expert on every area relating to undocumented students, they are all allies; they will listen with open hearts and minds, and they will also be able to direct you to further resources if you need them.

On-Campus Mental Health Resources

Additional Resources

UndocuAlly Training

OEIC is proud to support UndocuAlly training throughout the District. Participants in this training explore critical issues in providing support services for undocumented students; receive updates on state and federal legislative and procedural changes affecting undocumented people; learn about resources available for supporting AB 540, Cal DREAMers, and DACA recipient students; and develop action steps and receive practical tools for improving support for undocumented students.

Each College in the District has trained UndocuAlly facilitators. UndocuAlly trainings open to the District as a whole will be advertised here and on the Events page. For specific College offerings, please check with appropriate entities at each College.


Look for the Coast UndocuAlly sticker (or email badge) to identify individuals who have participated in this training.

Educational Resources

Organizations and Networks

University Resources: Undocumented Student Centers

Coast Community College District Nondiscrimination Policy

The Coast Community College District is committed to equal opportunity in educational programs, employment, and all access to institutional programs and activities.

The District does not discriminate unlawfully in providing educational or employment opportunities to any person on the basis of race or ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, medical condition, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, military or veteran status, or genetic information or because he/she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.