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Canvas Support

How do I log into Canvas?

There are two options for logging into Canvas.

  1. (Option 1) Log in using your MyCoast (MyCCC, MyGWC, or MyOCC) user name:
    1. To log into Canvas, go to the Canvas login with MyCoast username page.
    2. Click the button that reads "Login with your MyCCC, MyOCC, or MyGWC Account". When you click on that button you will be directed to a login page.
    3. Enter your MyCoast user name and password, and click the Login button.
  2. (Option 2) Log in using your college email address:
    1. To log into Canvas, go to the Canvas login with college email page.
    2. Please note that the first time that you use this method you will need to establish a Canvas password.
      1. Click on the "Password help" link, enter your email address, click "Request Password", and then close your browser.
      2. Click the password reset link received in your email.
      3. You will be directed to a password reset page. In the first form field select your email address. Then enter a new password.
      4. NOTE: After resetting your password you will be re-directed another webpage. Close that browser window and open a new one at the Canvas login with college email page. (We recommend you bookmark this page for easy access later.)
    3. After setting your password you will be able to log into Canvas directly with your email address and Canvas password, OR through the District Canvas login page using your MyCoast user name and password.

I forgot my MyCoast password

  1. To reset your MyCoast password, go to the Canvas login with MyCoast username page.
  2. Click the button that reads "Login with your MyCCC, MyOCC, or MyGWC Account". You will be directed to a login page.
  3. Click the link that reads "Forgot your password?".
  4. You will enter your personal email address (not your student email) and either your C-Number (student ID number) or your MyCoast user name. Then click the "Submit Request" button.
  5. Follow the instructions that you will receive at your personal email.

I don't see my course listed in Canvas

  1. After logging into Canvas, click Courses > All Courses.
  2. Courses which have not officially begun are listed under Future Enrollments. Once the course start date arrives, you will be able to enter the course.
  3. If your course does not appear in the list of All Courses in Canvas, go to MyCoast and verify that you are enrolled in the class. If it shows that you are not enrolled, contact Admissions & Records (A&R).
  4. If MyCoast shows that you are enrolled, contact your campus Canvas Help support (see below).

General Canvas Help

How do I contact Canvas Help Support?

Technical Support
Technical Support
Technical Support
Technical Support