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California College Promise Grant

(Formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver)

The California College Promise Grant is a form of CA State aid that waives the enrollment fee ($46/unit) for eligible CA resident students. The primary form of application for this aid is the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Students who complete the FASFA will have the best chance of qualifying for the California College Promise Grant.
Click here to complete the FAFSA now

The District highly recommends that students complete a FAFSA; however, students who prefer not to use the FAFSA may apply for the California College Promise Grant by clicking on their home college below. It is important that students who choose alternative California College Promise Grant application understand that many students who do not qualify for the California College Promise Grant using this method, would have qualified had they chosen to complete the FAFSA.

Coastline College
CODE: 013536
Golden West College
CODE: 001206
Orange Coast College
CODE: 001250


The 2024-2025 California College Promise Grant would apply to enrollment fees for Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025.

 The 2025-2026 California College Promise Grant would apply to enrollment fees for Fall 2025, Spring 2026, and Summer 2026 and will be available to all students to submit in December 2024.

Important Program Update:

In an effort to help students succeed in the California community colleges, the Student Success Act of 2012 (California Senate Bill 1456) was signed into law by Governor Brown. Among other aspects, the Act included the creation of minimum academic and progress standards that must be met for continued eligibility for the California College Promise Grant. These are different and separate standards from those for student federal aid, Cal Grant, and enrollment priority.

The Academic and Progress Standards for the California College Promise Grant are:

Academic Standards Progress Standards
Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher Cumulative satisfactory completion of more than 50% of all coursework attempted

  • These standards do not apply to foster youth (24 years and younger).
  • Eligibility to receive support services is not affected.
  • Exemption is extended to enrollment priority.
  • The 100 total degree-applicable completed unit cap does not apply to the California College Promise Grant.

In order for students to maintain eligibility, they must meet both the Academic and Progress Standards listed above.

In the future, within 30 days of the end of a primary term (Fall or Spring), the College will send a communication to those students who failed to meet the standards for two consecutive primary terms and will include instructions for how to appeal the loss of the California College Promise Grant. This appeal is separate from any appeal for federal student aid, and the approval of one appeal will not mean the automatic approval of the other.


Students will be able to appeal the loss of the California College Promise Grant based upon the following verifiable circumstances:

  • Extenuating circumstances - cases of accidents, illnesses, or other circumstances beyond a student's control.
  • A change in a student's economic situation.
  • Evidence that a student was unable to obtain essential support services.
  • Special consideration of factors for CalWORKs, EOPS, DSPS, and veteran students.
  • Students with disabilities who applied for but did not receive accommodation in a timely manner.
  • Significant academic improvement.
  • Successful appeal for enrollment priority extends to the fee waiver.

Students who do not meet the standards will receive notifications no later than 30 days from the semester end date.

To begin the appeal process, please contact the financial aid office at your college.

Who Qualifies for the California College Promise Grant?

The California College Promise Grant waives your course enrollment fee if you are a California resident, and if one of the following conditions applies to you when you enroll:

  • You are qualified for federal student financial aid through the FAFSA during the same academic year for which you are seeking the California College Promise Grant and have a need of $1,104.
  • You or your parents are receiving TANF/Cal WORKS benefits, SSI or General Assistance at the time that you apply for the California College Promise Grant. You will be required to provide documentation to show participation in one of these programs.   OR
  • You fall into the qualifying income bracket as determined by filling out a California College Promise Grant application. The Financial Aid Office will process your application and notify you if you qualify.   OR
  • You qualify according to one of these groups:
    1. Certification from the CA Department of Veterans Affairs that you are eligible for a dependent's California College Promise Grant?
    2. Certification from the National Guard Adjutant General that you are eligible for a dependent's California College Promise Grant?
    3. Certification from the Department of Veterans Affairs that you are eligible as a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor or as a child of a recipient?
    4. Certification form the CA Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board that you are eligible as a dependent of a victim of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack?
    5. Certification from a public agency employer that you are eligible as a dependent of a deceased law enforcement/fire suppression personnel killed in the line of duty?

The Orange County Veterans Service Office must complete the certification form. For more information contact (714) 480-6555. Reminder - you must also complete the online Board of Governors Fee Waiver application at the links below; please click on your home college's logo:

Coastline College
CODE: 013536
Golden West College
CODE: 001206
Orange Coast College
CODE: 001250

Military Contract Education and Military Spouse Programs are not eligible for the California College Promise Grant.

How does the California College Promise Grant work?

You do not receive an electronic funds transfer or a debit card; instead your enrollment fees are waived after registration activity. You are responsible for paying any and all fees remaining which include the Health Fee, College Service Charge, material fees, and parking permit.

Your California College Promise Grant will be posted on the college's registration fee screen and will be valid for Coastline Community College, Golden West College, and Orange Coast College. If you paid your enrollment fees before the California College Promise Grant was applied to your account, the Enrollment Center / Registration Office will complete a refund of those fees.

Revised: 10/7/2024