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Consortium Agreements

Financial Aid Consortium Agreement between Coastline College, Orange Coast College, and Golden West College

The Coast Community College District has an established consortium agreement between Orange Coast College, Golden West College, and Coastline Community College for students who are concurrently enrolled at more than one college within the Coast Community College District. If a student is enrolled in more than one of the three District College's during the same term, the student's class load for financial aid payment determination will include the total of all units taken at all three colleges, provided the units are otherwise eligible for financial aid. The student's home college (college where the student is pursuing an eligible degree or certificate) is the only college where the student will be paid aid—a student cannot be paid aid at more than one college within the same term.

District College as the Secondary School
This is a blanket financial-aid consortium agreement between the three colleges of the Coast Community College District: Golden West College, Coastline Community College, and Orange Coast College. This agreement replaces the previous agreement that was in effect since July of 2012. This agreement will be in effect at the beginning of the fall semester of the 2015-16 academic year, and remain in effect until amended by the three colleges, or until any of the three institutions wishes to withdraw from the agreement by providing written notification to the other two. As a blanket agreement, individual consortium agreements between these colleges will not be necessary for individual students wishing to benefit by the terms of this agreement.

For the purposes of this agreement and in accordance with 34 CFR 668.5, the three colleges of the Coast Community College District agree that:

  1. The "home" school is the institution where the student will receive her degree or certificate within an eligible program of study, including transfer to a 4-year institution.
  2. The "host" school is either of the other two colleges in the CCCD where the student enrolls in a course or courses that are applicable to the student's eligible program of study at the home school. Coursework taken at a host school will count towards a student's financial aid enrollment status for all federal and state aid programs at the home school, provided that the coursework at the host school is applicable to the student's home school program of study.
  3. The student will develop his/her educational plan at the home school to help him/her earn his/her degree, certificate, or transfer goal. If a student also develops an educational plan at a host school, the home school plan will be considered the official plan for financial aid purposes. This is unless and until the student notifies the colleges that he/she has chosen to make the host school his/her home school in order to pursue a degree, certificate, or 4-year transfer program of study at that college instead.
  4. The tuition and fees at each school will be those set by the State of California and Coast Community College District policy for the academic year. No student will be charged any different fee because they are enrolling in courses at an institution other than the "home" school within the Coast Community College District. Incidental fees, such as parking, health fees, material fees, and the college service charge may vary from institution to institution.
  5. Students who choose to enroll at a CCCD host school in order to fulfill required coursework for their program of study at their CCCD home school must be enrolled in at least one required class at their home school during the same primary term. Because a student may need to take a summer class not offered at the home institution, in order to keep the student from having to receive aid at two CCCD colleges, a student may receive financial aid at the home college for summer courses taken at the host college without the need for concurrent enrollment in a summer class at the home institution.
  6. Procedures for calculating awards, disbursing aid, monitoring satisfactory progress and other eligibility requirements, keeping records, and returning funds when the student withdraws, will be those in effect at the home institution. Students taking classes at a CCCD host school for a program of study at their home school will be considered concurrently enrolled for financial aid purposes. Students concurrently enrolled will be evaluated, awarded, and receive funds the same as those students who are enrolled only in home school classes.
  7. The home school will execute the college financial aid office responsibilities for all units the student is enrolled in within the CCCD, provided those units are applicable to the student's program of study at the home school. If the student is on a financial aid educational plan as the result of an appeal decision at the home school, for the purposes of financial aid any coursework taken at a host school must fulfill the requirements of that educational plan just as any coursework taken at the home college.

This agreement will remain in effect until amended by the three colleges, or until any of the three institutions wishes to withdraw from the agreement by providing written notification to the financial aid directors at other two and at the District FAO.

California Virtual College – Online Education Initiative (CVC-OEI) Financial Aid Consortium

Updated: 10/27/20