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Cal Grant

The state of California offers Cal Grants to qualifying students who are residents of California and have graduated from a California high school. Award is based on criteria set by the California Student Aid Commission. Several legislative actions have been passed and signed into statute regarding eligibility criteria for CalGrants.

For high school graduates:
You must have your GPA Verification Form sent to CSAC by March 2 by your high school. Most high schools are sending these electronically, but check with your high school guidance counselor for confirmation of the submittal.
You must complete your FAFSA on or before March 2.
For community college students only, there is an additional award; deadline is September 2. If you are a current student, the GPA Verification Form is sent electronically; no action is needed by the student. The FAFSA must be completed before September 2.

For further information regarding CalGrants, please go to the California Student Aid Commission's (CSAC) web site at: CSAC

Cal Grant A

Eligibility is based on criteria set by the California Student Aid Commission. Monetary assistance is provided to meet tuition and fee costs at four-year universities. Awards to community college students may be placed on "reserve" for a maximum of two years, until a student transfers to a four-year institution.

Cal Grant B

This grant may be used at community colleges and universities, not to exceed four years. Cal Grant B students also receive tuition costs at the same level as Cal Grant A, beginning the junior year.

Cal Grant C

Assists eligible students enrolled in vocational training, leading to a Certificate or AA/AS degree, not a transfer program.

Revised: 2/20/2024