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Priority Registration

In September 2012, as part of a concerted effort to improve student success, the California Community Colleges Board of Governors approved a regulation to establish system-wide enrollment priorities that will reward students who make progress toward their educational goals. The policy is designed to ensure classes are available for students seeking job training, degree attainment or transfer to a four-year college and to reward students who make progress toward their educational goals.

Under the policy, new students who have completed college orientation, assessment and developed education plans, as well as continuing students in good academic standing who have not exceeded 100 units (not including units in basic English, math or English as a Second Language), will now have enrollment priority over students who do not meet these criteria.

Effective for the Fall 2014 semester:
ALL students must complete orientation, placement testing, and have a Student Education Plan (SEP) in order to be granted priority registration.

Priority registration as outlined in the new regulations will be determined as follows:
1st Priority = Active duty military, veteran students, and current and former foster youth
2nd Priority = Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS), Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS), and CalWORKs recipients.
3rd Priority = Continuing students in good standing and new students

We understand that this may impact you as you plan for your academic year. The Coast District has implemented DegreeWorks, which is a tool that will help you meet your academic goals by allowing you to access your Student Education Plan online. You can access De​greeWorks via your MyCCC, MyGWC or MyOCC portal page.

Important Things to Remember: Only students who complete placement testing, orientation, and have a Student Education Plan (SEP) on file will be eligible for priority registration
Once students have completed 100 or more units, they will lose their registration priority
Students must remain in good academic standing to receive priority registration each semester

Tips to Keep in Mind:
Don't take unnecessary courses (courses not on your approved Student Education Plan). Adding these units to your records will increase your chances of losing registration priority and/or losing financial aid.
Do your best to keep your grade point average (GPA) at 2.0 or higher. Seek help from the Student Success Center if you feel you are falling behind.
If you haven't already done so, make an appointment with a counselor for a Student Education Plan (SEP).

Title 5 of California Code of Regulations, Section 55031
Title 5 of California Code of Regulations, Section 58108