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CCCD's students, faculty, and staff support immediate actions against racial injustice, recognition and dismantling of systemic inequities, and the comprehensive personal safety and wellbeing of racially minoritized populations. OEIC remains committed to the values of equity, inclusion, self-reflection, and personal responsibility on our campuses and throughout our communities.
Black lives matter We stand in solidarity with our Black students, faculty, staff, and community in unwavering opposition to racist violence and inequity. There is much work to be done, and we are taking the steps to do it.
Please take a look at our Commitment to Education, Antiracism, and Dialogue for resources on facilitating and participating in ongoing discussions and actions.
The Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Compliance (OEIC) strives to provide educational resources and training opportunities for students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members who endeavor to build and maintain safe and welcoming environments in their personal and professional lives.
Click a button below to learn more about your selected topic in the Coast Community College District. Please check back often for regular updates to general training information (see the "Ally Training and Education" button). Additional details about upcoming opportunities are posted as they become available on OEIC's Events page.