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COVID-19 Information

Frequently Asked Questions

What options are available for testing if exposed or experiencing symptoms?

If you are symptomatic or have been exposed to a confirmed, positive case, please contact your health care provider, local pharmacy, or local testing center.

What is the process for reporting exposure or a suspected case of the virus?

For students, employees, and visitors: If you are feeling unwell, do not come to campus or visit a District site for any reason. Employees, report to your dean or supervisor by phone or email.

If you are exposed and symptomatic, regardless of vaccination status, you should be tested through your health care provider, county testing sites, or home test. Please notify your dean (faculty) or supervisor (staff/management) by email or phone. The initial point of contact (dean or supervisor) is responsible for notifying HR. Your point of contact and HR will reach out to you as needed for follow up.

Will I be notified of a potential exposure?

A close contact is someone who spent 15 minutes or more within a shared space with an individual with COVID-19 during their infectious period, which includes, at a minimum, the 48 hours before the individual developed symptoms. It is recommended by OCHCA that those infected with the COVID-19 notify their close contacts of the potential exposure. In the case of an outbreak, HR, risk management, and public safety – in consultation with the Orange County Health Care Agency – will work with departments and may take additional precautionary steps to mitigate any potential exposures. Maintenance and Operations will identify and deep clean affected work areas and shared spaces where needed.

How long is the quarantine period after a positive test?

Coast Colleges follow California Department of Public Health and CalOSHA guidelines for isolation and quarantine protocol. Individuals who test positive but are asymptomatic may return to work or school:

  • At least 24 hours have passed with no fever, AND
  • Other symptoms are mild and improving.

Will I be provided the name of the person who was confirmed or suspected of having COVID-19?

No. State and federal privacy laws strictly limit the District's ability to share personal health information. Accordingly, the District is not allowed to disclose an employee's health status to colleagues. Any notification will be made in a way that protects the individual's privacy to the extent possible.

FOR MANAGERS: What if a staff member shares they are unable to work on campus or change the frequency of their on- campus work days due to a medical condition?

Please ask the employee to contact the ADA Compliance Office directly at to discuss potential reasonable accommodations. 

Who can I contact for additional information?

The HR department at your site is the best point of contact for information on reporting, notifications, and leave for employees. The Student Health Centers manage student cases – and are also available to address general questions about the virus and individual health.

Please start with these contacts for HR-specific questions:

Or contact your Student Health Center:


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